We absolutely recommend an evening at The Bakehouse in the company of Liz Niven and John Burns on Saturday 30 April. The theme is Exploring China, be there 7pm for 7.30pm.
Chrys, Richard and John tell us they're delighted to be opening their new season with Liz and John who will be bringing their perspectives on China.
Liz Niven reads from her latest poetry collection ‘The Shard Box’ which takes its title from Chinese boxes constructed from wood and inset with smashed porcelain. In English, and in Scots, Liz recounts experiences of travelling in Asia as well as closer, domestic concerns. Other poetry collections include Burning Whins, Stravaigin and Cree Lines. Liz’s writing and editing in support of Scots Language in education has been twice awarded the TESS/Saltire Awards and her poetry, the McCash/Herald prize.
'Alternately tinkling and refracting like fragments of fine porcelain and clattering percussively like Olympics construction works, The Shard Box is a vivid portrait of modern China', The Skinny (Feb 2011)
Poet and fiction writer John Burns reads from his Scots version of "Monkey", the Chinese classic that was a huge cult hit on television in the early 1980s. John writes in both English and in Scots. Books include "Celebration of the Light, Neil Gunn and Zen Buddhism", "Series of Dreams: the Vision Songs of Bob Dylan", and "Open Sky" - a collection of poems.
‘Monkey is a story for our times, and the vigour of the Scots language brings it vividly to life…it’s a Buddhist parable wisdom text but above all celebrates the irresistible nature of the central character Monkey, the wee ned who wins through to wisdom’
Tickets £8.00 (£7.00 concessions) includes a glass of wine
Ring 01557 814175 or email chrys@chryssalt.com
or bookings@thebakehouse.info