Tuesday 6th September, 7pm
Robert Burns Centre, Dumfries
Tickets £4.40 (£3.25) from 01387 264808
Gerda Stevenson introduces a rare showing of poetry films by Scottish artist, filmmaker and poet Margaret Tait (1918-1999), with an accompanying publication of essays, artwork and poetry. This rare opportunity is part of an international touring exhibition.
'Margaret Tait was one of Britain's most unique and individual artist filmmakers. Over the course of forty-six years she produced over thirty films including one feature, Blue Black Permanent (1992) and published five books of poetry and short stories, while living between the Island of Orkney and Edinburgh. Margaret described her life's work as consisting of making film-poems. Her clarity of vision and purpose with an attention to simple commonplace subjects combined with a rare sense of inner rhythm and pattern give her films a transcendental quality, while still remaining firmly rooted within the everyday.' — Lux
2 days ago