Friday, October 14, 2005



a new literary magazine publishing
the best in poetry, prose and critical work
Editorial Board : Jo Abbott , Jackie Galley, Angus Macmillan
SOUTHLIGHT is a creative collaboration between Crichton Campus Writers’ Centre and Dumfries & Galloway Arts Association. The first issue will be published in late November 2005. SOUTHLIGHT welcomes submissions of unpublished poetry and short stories. Writers are asked to submit hard copy in the first instance on single sided, double spaced A4 paper in size 12 font. Poems (max 6 x 60 lines) prose ( 2000 words) .

Submissions to
Isobel Gibson : SOUTHLIGHT
Crichton Campus. Rutherford-McCowan Building.
Bankend Road. Dumfries DG1 4ZL