Monday, August 17, 2009

'Tree' - New Poetry and Music Inspired by Woodlands

After the success of their 2007 project 'Making Waves', poets Vivien Jones and Jackie Galley are back with a new performance 'Tree'.
Most people will know the tune of ‘Norwegian Wood’, some people will know its lyrics, a few will know what a Norway Maple tree looks like but it’s unlikely that many will have combined the lyrical structure of the song with instruments made from the tree to create a new words-and-music piece for performance. This is just one of the pieces in a new work, 'Tree', linking words and music inspired by woodlands, wood and trees that will be performed in the beautiful surroundings of NTS Threave Gardens, Castle Douglas.
This form of collaborative programme (first performed in the much admired Making Waves) which weaves music through and around the spoken word, develops a new direction in the performing of poetry by the writers, Jackie Galley and Vivien Jones and musicians Richard Jones, Michael Hendry and Becky Hendry. Poetry and music are natural companions – both rely on rhythm and lyrical power to become memorable - together they can make more than the sum of their parts. This will be a must-see performance which you can catch at 7.30pm on Saturday 29 August at Threave Gardens, Castle Douglas
. Tickets are £8.00 including interval canapés and drink. Phone 0844 4932245 or e-mail: or e-mail

Don't panic if you can't get to Threave on the 29th, you can also catch performances of 'Tree' on -

Sunday 30 August 7.30 pm Sedbergh Flower Festival. St Andrew’s Church. Sedbergh Tickets : £5.00 including refreshments Sedbergh Tourist Information, Main Street Tel : 015396 20125

Saturday 3 October 4.00 pm Wigtown Book Festival. St Ninian’s Hall. Isle of Whithorn. Tickets : £6.00 including interval refreshments. Festival Box Office : Tel :01988 403222 or 402036 or online
