Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Anthology for Women's Heritage Walk in Wigtown

The Wigtown Women’s Walk group recently launched a highly innovative project to create a women's heritage walk commemorating the contribution women have made to their community. Glasgow Women’s Library is supporting the project. The next step of the project is to compile an anthology and audio companion for the walk.
The WWW group is inviting writers to contribute a short poem or story inspired by the women and or events in Wigtown. The closing date is the last day of March but if anyone is interested and needs to negotiate time, please contact: Kriss Nichol 01671 402588
If you want to find out more, Kriss Nichol will be giving a talk at the conference 'One Small Step' in Glasgow on 23 March at the Mitchell Library. The WW group will also be at both the Wigtown Spring Book Festival and at the Main Book Festival in September. There is a display of photographs at the County Buildings in Wigtown and Stranraer Museum have kindly put up a display of artefacts from their collection until the end of May.