Monday, March 22, 2010

JoAnne McKay to guest at Open Stage on 31 March

Open Stage, Dumfries’ favourite open mic event for poets and singer songwriters, is back at So You Cafe in Castle Street Dumfries on Wednesday 31 March.

Come along and support poet JoAnne McKay, a great performer of her own sparky, funny, clever poetry. But also come along  at 7pm to book your own performance slot, before Open Stage goes live at 7.30pm.

Hosted by warm and friendly local musician Nicola Black, Open Stage is a great venue for trying out new work, or nurturing new talent. Or you can just come along to join our good-humoured audience and enjoy the vibe.

March’s Open Stage also features up-and-coming musician Beth Fouracre, a Glasgow singer songwriter who’ll be performing at the Wickerman Festival this summer. 

A great night out, and only £3 on the door.